God's Love We Deliver is the New York City metropolitan area's leading provider of nutritious, individually-tailored meals to people who are too sick to shop or cook for themselves. 

Founded in 1985 when one woman began delivering food on her bicycle to a man dying from AIDS, God's Love now cooks more than 6,000 meals each weekday, delivering them to clients living with life-altering illnesses in all five boroughs of New York City, Westchester and Nassau Counties, and Hudson County, New Jersey. All of the services of God's Love are provided free of charge to their clients, their clients' children and to the senior caregivers of their senior clients, without regard to income. God's Love has never had a waiting list.  

God's Love We Deliver is a non-sectarian organization, providing meals with the strong belief of "food as medicine."  To that end, God's Love We Deliver employs a team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists who individually tailor meals to each client's specific medical requirements. God's Love provides all services by employing a small but dedicated professional staff and with the critical assistance of 10,000 volunteers annually.